We know the obvious reason for purchasing life insurance, and that is to leave some money behind to our loved ones to cover the costs of funeral and burial expenses, to take care of unpaid debts we leave behind, to act as a supplemental income until they can get back on their feet again, and to pay for future expenses such as medical costs and education. Many people choose not to think about, much less purchase, a life insurance policy because they don't want to think about their eventual, and inevitable, death. However, many people fail to realize that life insurance policies can be used other than in the event of your death. They can be used while you're alive.
Depending on the kind of life insurance policy you purchase, you may have the option of "cashing in" on your life insurance policy. This means, you can take out the money when you and your family members need it during your life, rather than after your death. For example, you may find yourself in financial hardship due to a job loss or some other unexpected emergency. Rather than suffer financially, you can cash in on your life insurance policy. The money you receive can act as a supplemental income until you find a new job, or can pay for whatever emergency has caused you to financial strain.
Don't push the thoughts of purchasing a life insurance policy to the back of your mind just because you don't want to think about your death. Life insurance policies can be used during your life, too. Remember, life insurance policies can be cashed in should you find yourself and your family financially burdened, so, by purchasing a life insurance policy now, not only will you be helping out your family members and loved ones in the event of your death, but you may just end up helping them out while you're still alive.
About the Author:
Elizabeth Newberry
Buy Affordable Car Insurance Home Owners Insurance Florida Cheap Car Insurance
Submitted: 2006-09-27
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com
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